
2022-07-12 | 155分钟 | yrobot | react,react-dom,renderToString,ReactDOMServer,源码,解读,jsx,html,转换

ReactDOMServer 的作用

The ReactDOMServer object enables you to render components to static markup.

ReactDOMServer 可以将 react 组件转换为静态的 html

所以,本文主要是为了弄明白 ReactDOMServer 如何将 react 转换为 html

react-dom 将 react 组件转换为 html 的函数有两个: renderToString()renderToStaticMarkup()

主要区别是 renderToStaticMarkup() 不会创建 React 内部使用的额外 DOM 属性,如 data-reactroot。如果你只想把 React 作为简单的静态页面生成器使用,那么使用 renderToStaticMarkup() 是更好的选择,它会比 renderToString() 节省一些字节占用。

import React from "react";

const Header = () => (
  <header key="key" className="header">
const Content = ({ name }: { name: string }) => (
  <section className="content">Content:{name}</section>
const Footer = () => <footer className="footer">Footer</footer>;
const SvgInline = () => (
  <svg-inline src="https://yrobot.top/icons/svg-inline.svg"></svg-inline>
const Page = () => (
  <div className="page">
    <Header />
    <Content name="yrobot" />
    <SvgInline />
    <Footer />

export default Page;

=> ReactDOMServer.renderToString(<Page />) =>

'<div class="page"><header class="header">Header</header><section class="content">Content:<!-- -->yrobot</section><svg-inline src="https://yrobot.top/icons/svg-inline.svg"></svg-inline><footer class="footer">Footer</footer></div>';

疏理 react-dom 源码



function renderToString(
  children: ReactNodeList,
  options?: ServerOptions
): string {
  return renderToStringImpl(children, options);
function renderToStringImpl(
  children: ReactNodeList,
  options: void | ServerOptions
): string {
  let result = "";
  const destination = {
    push(chunk) {
      if (chunk !== null) {
        result += chunk;
      return true;

  const request = createRequest(children);


  startFlowing(request, destination);

  return result;

这部分代码主要是 renderToString 的主干逻辑,可以看到:

  1. renderToString 只是对于 renderToStringImpl 做了一层封装
  2. renderToStringImpl 返回 result 字符串,而 result 是通过 startFlowing(request, destination) 利用 destination.push 来拼接 stream。

通过 log 验证一下

在 destination.push 中添加一个 log,然后跑一下逻辑:

const destination = {
  push(chunk) {
    if (chunk !== null) {
      result += chunk;
    return true;

log 结果:


在 renderToStringImpl 的 3 个主要步骤之后 log 一下结果

const request = createRequest(children);
console.log("createRequest", request);

console.log("startWork", request);

startFlowing(request, destination);
console.log("startFlowing", request, destination);

log 结果:

createRequest {
  destination: null,
  responseState: {
    bootstrapChunks: [],
    startInlineScript: '<script>',
    placeholderPrefix: 'P:',
    segmentPrefix: 'S:',
    boundaryPrefix: 'B:',
    idPrefix: '',
    nextSuspenseID: 0,
    sentCompleteSegmentFunction: false,
    sentCompleteBoundaryFunction: false,
    sentClientRenderFunction: false,
    generateStaticMarkup: true
  progressiveChunkSize: Infinity,
  status: 0,
  fatalError: null,
  nextSegmentId: 0,
  allPendingTasks: 1,
  pendingRootTasks: 1,
  completedRootSegment: null,
  abortableTasks: <ref *1> Set(1) {
      node: [Object],
      ping: [Function: ping],
      blockedBoundary: null,
      blockedSegment: [Object],
      abortSet: [Circular *1],
      legacyContext: {},
      context: null,
      treeContext: [Object],
      componentStack: null
  pingedTasks: [
      node: [Object],
      ping: [Function: ping],
      blockedBoundary: null,
      blockedSegment: [Object],
      abortSet: [Set],
      legacyContext: {},
      context: null,
      treeContext: [Object],
      componentStack: null
  clientRenderedBoundaries: [],
  completedBoundaries: [],
  partialBoundaries: [],
startWork {
  destination: null,
  responseState: {
    bootstrapChunks: [],
    startInlineScript: '<script>',
    placeholderPrefix: 'P:',
    segmentPrefix: 'S:',
    boundaryPrefix: 'B:',
    idPrefix: '',
    nextSuspenseID: 0,
    sentCompleteSegmentFunction: false,
    sentCompleteBoundaryFunction: false,
    sentClientRenderFunction: false,
    generateStaticMarkup: true
  progressiveChunkSize: Infinity,
  status: 0,
  fatalError: null,
  nextSegmentId: 0,
  allPendingTasks: 0,
  pendingRootTasks: 0,
  completedRootSegment: {
    status: 1,
    id: -1,
    index: 0,
    parentFlushed: true,
    chunks: [
      '<div',    ' ',      'class',   '="',       'page',
      '"',       '>',      '<header', ' ',        'class',
      '="',      'header', '"',       '>',        'Header',
      '</',      'header', '>',       '<section', ' ',
      'class',   '="',     'content', '"',        '>',
      '<div',    ' ',      'class',   '="',       'title',
      '"',       '>',      'Title',   '</',       'div',
      '>',       '<div',   ' ',       'class',    '="',
      'detail',  '"',      '>',       'Detail',   '</',
      'div',     '>',      '</',      'section',  '>',
      '<footer', ' ',      'class',   '="',       'footer',
      '"',       '>',      'Footer',  '</',       'footer',
      '>',       '</',     'div',     '>'
    children: [],
    formatContext: { insertionMode: 1, selectedValue: null },
    boundary: null,
    lastPushedText: false,
    textEmbedded: false
  abortableTasks: Set(0) {},
  pingedTasks: [],
  clientRenderedBoundaries: [],
  completedBoundaries: [],
  partialBoundaries: [],
startFlowing {
  destination: { push: [Function: push], destroy: [Function: destroy] },
  responseState: {
    bootstrapChunks: [],
    startInlineScript: '<script>',
    placeholderPrefix: 'P:',
    segmentPrefix: 'S:',
    boundaryPrefix: 'B:',
    idPrefix: '',
    nextSuspenseID: 0,
    sentCompleteSegmentFunction: false,
    sentCompleteBoundaryFunction: false,
    sentClientRenderFunction: false,
    generateStaticMarkup: true
  progressiveChunkSize: Infinity,
  status: 0,
  fatalError: null,
  nextSegmentId: 0,
  allPendingTasks: 0,
  pendingRootTasks: 0,
  completedRootSegment: null,
  abortableTasks: Set(0) {},
  pingedTasks: [],
  clientRenderedBoundaries: [],
  completedBoundaries: [],
  partialBoundaries: [],
} { push: [Function: push], destroy: [Function: destroy] }

通过 log 可以得出一下 2 点:

  • parse 后的主要数据利用 array 的形式储存于 request.completedRootSegment.chunks
  • 主要的 parse 工作在 startWork 中完成

由于整个 react-dom/server 还要处理很多场景,如懒加载等,这些场景属于特殊流程分支,逻辑和主要流程类似,本文就不做解析。
后面我们就把注意力主要放在 startWork 是怎么将 react components 解析到 chunks 的。


export function startWork(request: Request): void {
  setImmediate(() => performWork(request));
export function performWork(request: Request): void {
  const pingedTasks = request.pingedTasks;
  let i;
  for (i = 0; i < pingedTasks.length; i++) {
    const task = pingedTasks[i];
    retryTask(request, task);
function retryTask(request: Request, task: Task): void {
  const segment = task.blockedSegment;
  if (segment.status !== PENDING) return;
  renderNodeDestructive(request, task, task.node); // nodes => chunks
  segment.status = COMPLETED;
  finishedTask(request, task.blockedBoundary, segment);

chunks = task.blockedSegment.chunks = segment.chunks

function renderNodeDestructive(
  request: Request,
  task: Task,
  node: ReactNodeList
): void {
  task.node = node;
  if (isArray(node)) {
    for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
      renderNodeDestructive(request, task, children[i]);
  if (typeof node === "object" && node !== null) {
    switch ((node: any).$$typeof) {
      case REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE: {
        const element: React$Element<any> = (node: any);
        const type = element.type;
        const props = element.props;
        const ref = element.ref;
        renderElement(request, task, type, props, ref);

可以看到 renderNodeDestructive 是一个递归函数,它从 rootNode 开始递归,利用 renderElement 对每一个节点进行处理。

我们后面就着重解析 renderElement 是怎么将 node 转化为 html string 的

在解读 renderElement 之前,我们需要先了解 node 的结构

推荐优先阅读《React 是怎么运行起来的》

node 的结构如下:

  '$$typeof': Symbol(react.element), // symbol
  type: [Function: Page], // string|function|object
  key: null,
  ref: null,
  props: {},
  _owner: null,
  _store: {}


  • $$typeof: 表示 node 的类型,这里的类型是 Symbol(react.element),表示一个 ReactElement
  • type: 表示 tag name, 可能的类型包括 string、function。
    • html tag 在这里就是 string,比如'div';
    • react hooks component 在这里就是 function, 比如 [Function: Page]
  • key: 节点的 key 属性
  • ref: 节点的 ref 属性
  • props: 节点的剩余属性的集合
<type key ref {...props} />


function renderElement(
  request: Request,
  task: Task,
  type: any,
  props: Object,
  ref: any
): void {
  if (typeof type === "function") {
    if (type.prototype && type.prototype.isReactComponent) {
      renderClassComponent(request, task, type, props);
    } else {
      renderIndeterminateComponent(request, task, type, props);
  if (typeof type === "string") {
    renderHostElement(request, task, type, props);

  // ...other types handlers

  throw new Error(
    "Element type is invalid: expected a string (for built-in " +
      "components) or a class/function (for composite components) " +
      `but got: ${type == null ? type : typeof type}.${info}`

Hooks Component Handler

function renderIndeterminateComponent(
  request: Request,
  task: Task,
  Component: any,
  props: any
): void {
  const value = renderWithHooks(request, task, Component, props, {});

  renderNodeDestructive(request, task, value);

renderWithHooks 将会调用 Component ,并且返回一个 ReactNode。

将这个 ReactNode 重新利用 renderNodeDestructive 进行递归,直到 type 变为 string 类型,即 html tag 本身。

html tag handler

function renderHostElement(
  request: Request,
  task: Task,
  type: string,
  props: Object
): void {
  const segment = task.blockedSegment;
  // 处理 开始标签 和 节点props
  /* ...[
    " ",
  const children = pushStartInstance(
  // 递归处理 children 节点
  renderNodeDestructive(request, task, children);
  // 处理 结束标签
  // ...['</', 'svg-inline', '>']
  pushEndInstance(segment.chunks, type, props);
export function pushStartInstance(
  target: Array<Chunk | PrecomputedChunk>,
  type: string,
  props: Object,
  responseState: ResponseState,
  formatContext: FormatContext
): ReactNodeList {
  switch (type) {
    // Special tags
    case "select":
      return pushStartSelect(target, props, responseState);
    case "option":
      return pushStartOption(target, props, responseState, formatContext);
    case "textarea":
      return pushStartTextArea(target, props, responseState);
    case "input":
      return pushInput(target, props, responseState);
    case "menuitem":
      return pushStartMenuItem(target, props, responseState);
    case "title":
      return pushStartTitle(target, props, responseState);
    // Newline eating tags
    case "listing":
    case "pre": {
      return pushStartPreformattedElement(target, props, type, responseState);
    // Omitted close tags
    case "area":
    case "base":
    case "br":
    case "col":
    case "embed":
    case "hr":
    case "img":
    case "keygen":
    case "link":
    case "meta":
    case "param":
    case "source":
    case "track":
    case "wbr": {
      return pushSelfClosing(target, props, type, responseState);
    case "annotation-xml":
    case "color-profile":
    case "font-face":
    case "font-face-src":
    case "font-face-uri":
    case "font-face-format":
    case "font-face-name":
    case "missing-glyph": {
      return pushStartGenericElement(target, props, type, responseState);
    case "html": {
      if (formatContext.insertionMode === ROOT_HTML_MODE) {
      return pushStartGenericElement(target, props, type, responseState);
    default: {
      if (type.indexOf("-") === -1 && typeof props.is !== "string") {
        // Generic element
        return pushStartGenericElement(target, props, type, responseState);
      } else {
        // Custom element
        return pushStartCustomElement(target, props, type, responseState);
export function pushEndInstance(
  target: Array<Chunk | PrecomputedChunk>,
  type: string,
  props: Object
): void {
  switch (type) {
    case "area":
    case "base":
    case "br":
    case "col":
    case "embed":
    case "hr":
    case "img":
    case "input":
    case "keygen":
    case "link":
    case "meta":
    case "param":
    case "source":
    case "track":
    case "wbr": {
    default: {
      target.push("</", type, ">");
function pushStartGenericElement(
  target: Array<Chunk | PrecomputedChunk>,
  props: Object,
  tag: string,
  responseState: ResponseState
): ReactNodeList {
  target.push("<" + tag); // ...['<div']

  let children = null;
  let innerHTML = null;
  for (const propKey in props) {
    if (hasOwnProperty.call(props, propKey)) {
      const propValue = props[propKey];
      if (propValue == null) {
      switch (propKey) {
        case "children":
          children = propValue;
        case "dangerouslySetInnerHTML":
          innerHTML = propValue;
          // 处理 react props
          // ...[' ', 'class', '="', 'page',  '"',]
          pushAttribute(target, responseState, propKey, propValue);

  target.push(">"); // ...['>']
  pushInnerHTML(target, innerHTML, children);
  if (typeof children === "string") {
    return null;
  return children;
function pushAttribute(
  target: Array<Chunk | PrecomputedChunk>,
  responseState: ResponseState,
  name: string,
  value: string | boolean | number | Function | Object // not null or undefined
): void {
  // 将 react element prop 转换为 html tag prop
  // 具体逻辑参看 https://github.com/facebook/react/blob/HEAD/packages/react-dom/src/server/ReactDOMServerFormatConfig.js#L418
  // 本文不展开赘述

